Quiet Mind Meditation

This is a quiet space .. designed to inspire, nurture and support your meditation practice so that you might find your own quiet mind

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Sunday Pause April 27

Welcome to the Sunday Pause .. join me as I wander through some of the inspiring, creative and simply funny stuff that I saw online this week!

And here is where my week started .. with a timely reminder of the majesty of the Universe and the lessons we need to learn .. a short film sharing an Indigenous Native American Prophecy that links all of life and the future of our planet. 

I am so super over-the-top-jiggling-with-excitement about my upcoming holiday and have decided to make a meditation travel guide when I get back just like this one .. this site is fab-u-lous 

and I wish to have my hands  adorned just so ..

ever since I was a child I have collected quotes .. I have lots of little books and journals hidden in my house which led me to play around with photoshop and canva (which I really recommend) and now I have a home for some of my favourite quotes because I opened a new page on my website called (doh) QUOTES

I'm not sure I get the aura thing .. but I couldn't resist the What Colour is Your Aura quiz (I came up Yellow)

Bored of sandwiches at the desk for lunch .. well if you live in Sydney have I got the best lunchtime option yet (why wasn't it available when I lived in that beautiful town!)

And if you missing The Block (home renovation television show) or love redecorating or rebuilding your abode .. then you might also love watching the unfolding of this amazing restoration of a chateau in the south of France - Chateau de Gudanes - I am mesmerized - especially getting to watch it from the comfort of my couch on Facebook.

If it is cold where you are (it certainly is here in Melbourne, Australia) then you might spend a little longer in bed and watch this great TED talk by Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat, Pray Love .. which I loved way before anyone else .. just saying!) .. about remembering "where you rightfully live" and coming home .. and I hope that after all this reading you take a moment to meditate which is the ultimate 'coming home'.

Wishing you a magnificent and relaxing weekend .. 

and please tell me your favourite weekend website in the comments below so we can share the love next week..

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