Almost Spring .. almost warm sunny days .. almost holiday time .. almost that time of the year!
Christmas gifting requests have already started to come in .. and the blossom is just out on the trees. Is it age .. when the end of each year seems to come up faster and faster?
This week I have scheduled in two end of year corporate meditation classes .. as organisations become aware of how important it is to look after the wellness of their most important asset ‘their people’. After 20+ years in the corporate world I am well versed (and a big proponent) of the responsibility we have to look after our team .. and give them the tools to look after themselves (yep meditation!)
I am also impressed when I hear people are already organising their end of year gifts .. because I am the person who races around the night before needing to feel 'inspired' And this week I also had my first call for a Gift Certificate. I love that ‘the gift of mediation is that gift that keeps on giving’ and we can make the certificate out for any amount or a particular class or workshop .. and they are fully transferrable and valid for a full year. Do your clients/staff really need another bottle of wine or food parcel .. or the life skill of meditation?
In my previous corporate life this was the time of year when I would organising our end of year conference .. the opportunity to share with colleagues the lessons and challenges of the year, prepare our SWAT for the new year .. and party hard! To keep everyone connected through a day of heavy thinking sessions it was important to schedule in some down time and also some team building activities. A Meditation break out session is a great refresher and team building exercise .. release stress, inspire creative thinking, and give your team a chance to refresh with a meditation break out session.
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