Quiet Mind Meditation

This is a quiet space .. designed to inspire, nurture and support your meditation practice so that you might find your own quiet mind

Monday 12 November 2012

Simple Tasks as Meditation

"Zen is not some kind of excitement,
but concentration on our usual everyday routine"
(Shunryu Suzuki)

Enso is a Japanese word meaning "circle" and is a symbol strongly associated with Zen .. recently I have been constantly seeing this symbol and thought I would investigate further.

Enso represents the 'circle of infinity' and symbolizes absolute enlightenment, strength and elegance .. and, fullness in emptiness.

The ensō is also a sacred symbol in the Zen school of Buddhism, when after meditation a practitioner will arise from their practice and draw their own ensō representing the state of their spirit.

As the brushed ink of the circle is completed in one movement with no possibililty of modification .. it reflects the expressive movement of our spirit at that moment in time.

"We had been instructed to leave our shoes neatly, in the prescribed manner - placed parallel with the toes pointing outwards."
"We were to find that even this simple task was taken with some seriousness".
"Your shoes too are your mind," we were told.
"Do not leave them scattered around in an undisciplined way".
"Remember everything you do is a reflection of your Mind".

These words are taken from "The Living Road" by Milton Moon a renowned Australian potter who was on a fellowship in Japan in 1974 (stydying the relationship etween Zen Buddhism, Japanese xulture and the visual arts) when he met and became a student of the Zen Master, Kobori Nanrei, Abbot of Tyoko-in, Daitoku-ji, Kyoto.

The lesson on this occassion was to watch how we perform the simple tasks of daily life .. the way we walk this earth, the mind we bring to our tasks and how we greet our daily activities .. which reflect and impact our state of mind.

The Buddha taught that peaceful minds lead to peaceful speech and peaceful actions. If we approach the smallest of actions in daily life with order and mindfulness then we can bring a greater sense of connection and groundedness to life. And from a mind that is settled in a place of peace .. we have the potential to change our world.

I have placed this enso on my vision board .. so that when I see it each day I will bring to mind the simple practice of attending to the moment at hand .. without hurrying to finish or ruminating on the unpleasantness of the task .. but simply being present and attentive to this task before the next .. and the next.

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