Quiet Mind Meditation

This is a quiet space .. designed to inspire, nurture and support your meditation practice so that you might find your own quiet mind

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Nourishment for your meditation

So exciting .. this week (and way ahead of schedule) arrived my box of new books! I simply couldn't wait to open up and indulge .. and while I tried to focus on the 'work' I had to do, it was inevitable that I would be drawn away. I snuck outside and started reading .. drawn to 'Hand Wash Cold' and the sunshine beckoning .. yes bright blue sky and sunshine has arrived in Melbourne this week.

I thought I might share with you what I purchased, and later I will share some thoughts on each book. It is so important to keep nourishing our interest in meditation and reading about another's journey can be inspiring (that's why I loved doing the Focus On series .. see here .. sharing our meditation journey).

Hand Wash Cold : care instructions for an ordinary life by Karen Mazezen Miller
"It's easy to think that meaning, fulfillment, and bliss are "out there," somewhere outside of our daily routine. But in this playful yet profound reflection on awareness, the compelling voice of a contemporary woman reveals the happiness at the bottom of the laundry basket, the love in the kitchen sink, and the peace possible in one's own backyard" .. visit Karen at www.karenmaezenmiller.com (and read her inspiring blog)

Momma Zen : walking the crooked path of motherhood by Karen Maezen Miller
I had to purchase Karen's first book too .. "Drawing on her experience as a mother and on her years of Zen meditation and study .. charting a mother's growth beyond naive expectations and disorientation to finding fulfillment in ordinary tasks and developing greater self-awareness and self-acceptance".

Learning to Breathe : One Woman's Journey of Spirit and Survival by Alison Wright
Award-winning photojournalist Alison Wright travelled around third world countries as part of her work, then one afternoon her bus collided head-on with a logging truck in rural Laos and her life changed forever. "Drawing upon her years of meditation practice, she concentrated on each breath she took .. determine not to give up".

Will I get any work done this week?


  1. Beth Cregan11:52

    Thanks for your book reviews. I am always looking for this kind of reading material!

  2. Thanks Beth .. I am really enjoying 'Hand Wash Cold' .. nearly finished and loved it! Sarah



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