Quiet Mind Meditation

This is a quiet space .. designed to inspire, nurture and support your meditation practice so that you might find your own quiet mind

Thursday 2 April 2009

By the sea meditation

I feel truly blessed when I take a meditation class at our new venue [see breatheatparkdale] .. and this week was one of the most perfect examples of how amazing is our world and mother nature. Being Autumn it is totally unexpected to have such a balmy evening (30degrees) but here we were! And to take advantage of such gorgeous weather I decided to have our class outside, to indulge all our senses and to bear witness to all that lay before us .. the ocean, the setting sun, the seagulls flying low and in packs across the water, the leisurely walkers below us enjoying the night as well.

We started with a Qigong Standing Meditation in which we softened our gaze onto the distant horizon and thus became part of the cycle of the setting sun. Then a Listening Meditation, starting and finishing with the ringing of the drilbu (Tibetan bell) .. we broadened our focused into the sounds of the world around us, slowly becoming enveloped in all that came to our ears.

Sounds from our world are always 'on' .. from nature to inner city busy-ness, always there humming away in the background. By opening our awareness and our ears to all sounds we anchor ourselves in the present moment, and the cavalcade around us becomes our meditation. But what beautiful sounds were enveloping us this week. Please take some time to stop and listen .. in this way we awaken our awareness and are lead gently into meditation wherever we are.


  1. Oh, I wish I had been there. Sounded blissful Sarah.

  2. Thanks Yvonne .. looking out my window today and hearing the rain on the tin roof its funny to think that just a few days ago it was so warm and balmy. You must come down and join us soon.

  3. I just found your lovely blog from the Simply Silence link Sarah.

    What a gorgeous space to run your classes. I'm pleased to know that you're set up with your own space now and will let any of my clients who are looking for meditation down your way know.



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