Quiet Mind Meditation

This is a quiet space .. designed to inspire, nurture and support your meditation practice so that you might find your own quiet mind

Monday 5 October 2015

Meditation for Beginners

For those new to meditation or those seeking to reconnect with their practice. 

The Exploring Meditation course runs over a period of six weeks (meeting once a week) which gives us time explore a range of different meditation techniques so that you have an opportunity to find the best practice for YOU!  Class notes and OM-work provided each week. 

Exploring Meditation 2016 Classes
(6 weeks)
Time: Tuesday evenings 7-8.30pm
Venue: Brighton VIC

16 Feb - 22 Mar

26 Apr - 31 May

2 Aug - 13 Sep
(no class 9 Aug)

4 Oct - 15 Nov
(no class 1 Nov)

We believe that meditation is a life skill! 
Our Exploring Meditation course is designed to provide a straightforward, practical and non-religious approach to meditation. 

Meeting weekly gives us a chance to get ‘into the flow’ of meditation, and gain some insight into the benefits found in a regular meditation practice. 

What do we do? 
The program looks something like this (and may vary a little depending on the group and individual interests):

*Week 1: core meditation principles, the ‘how’ and ‘why’, stress and how to circuit-break the habit and an introduction to Mindfulness of Body practices.

*Week 2: the impact of stress, introduction to short Meditative Exercises and longer techniques (both invaluable), Mindfulness of Breath Meditation. 

*Week 3: the brain, the process of meditation, Mantra Meditation, obstacles and antidotes, measuring your progress.

*Week 4: Silent practices, time for our personal practice and a review of common challenges, a look at the Meditation Map and time for Q&A

*Week 5: Mindfulness Meditation, how to include mindfulness practices in daily life.  A look at mindfulness of eating, listening and movement practices.

*Week 6: Resources for ongoing nourishment of your practice (what's next?), building a longer meditation practice, Silent Meditation and the art of 'non-doing'

Our aim? 
We aim to provide you with all that your need to meditate. Anytime. Anywhere. 

Each weekly class is designed to build on your understanding of meditation, and provide time and focus for group meditation practice. There is a period of instruction, discussion and PRACTICE. 

We also provide a weekly handouts so that you can build a meditation workbook, a resource that you can continue to dip into as your practice develops; and share insights, tips and tools that we hope might support your ongoing interest and engagement with your own personal meditation practice.

Class Structure 
We limit our classes to ten participants which allows for a nice mix of 'group' and personal attention. Our venues are chosen for comfort, ambiance and ease of access and our classes are conducted sitting in a chair or using a cushion on the floor - we often have the ability to provide both options for you to try over the duration of the course. 

If you have a mat/meditation cushion or stool then we would encourage you to bring that along; perhaps also a bottle of water and dress comfortably (and warmly as the body cools when deeply relaxed). 

Next: Exploring Meditation

16 Feb - 22 Mar

Venue: Total Reformation Health and Wellbeing
 (Brighton, VIC)
Time: 7-8.30pm
Cost: $175

Got a question? 
We are right here. Email sarah@quietmind.com.au if you have any questions. 

You might also have a look around our website where you can find a wealth of information and resources. 

JUMP IN .. meditation is a LIFE TOOL and we believe that everyone can learn to meditate. 

We look forward to meeting you.

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