Quiet Mind Meditation

This is a quiet space .. designed to inspire, nurture and support your meditation practice so that you might find your own quiet mind

Monday 3 November 2014

Find Your Fit

Burning Incense by kevinpoh on Flickr 

In life (and in meditation) everyone’s journey is unique .. I am often heard to say ‘many roads up the mountain’ .. that part of our life journey is to find and travel our own unique road.

A recent study published online in Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing highlighted the importance of ensuring that new meditators select methods with which they are most comfortable, rather than those that are most popular or what 

everyone else is doing

When you select a meditation practice that YOU are most comfortable with, you are likely to increase your chance of sticking with it, says Adam Burke, the author of the study and a professor of health education at San Francisco State University.

Burke’s study compared four popular meditation methods — Mantra, Mindfulness, Zen and Qigong Visualization — to see if new meditation practitioners favored one over the others. The study’s 247 participants were taught each method and asked to practice at home and, at the end of the study, evaluate which they preferred.

The two simpler methods, Mantra and Mindfulness, were preferred by 31 percent of study participants, with about 22 percent preferring Zen and 14.8 percent preferring Qigong.

This study shows the value of providing new practitioners with a simple, accessible method of meditation, and emphasizes that no one technique is best for everyone.

“If someone is exposed to a particular technique through the media or a health care provider, they might assume because it’s popular it’s the best for everyone,” Burke said. “But that’s like saying because a pink dress or a blue sport coat is popular this year, it’s going to look good on everybody. In truth, different people like different things. One size does not fit all.”


I spent many years exploring various schools of meditation, learning from different teachers, diving into different methods .. and then, when I came to sharing my passion for meditation with others I knew that I wanted to share some of those 'flavours’ so that participants could the best fit for them.

Ultimately meditation practice is not going to be effective for you, unless you like doing it – and you do it!

Some people will find a single technique that works well for them, and will continue with that practice for a lifetime; others might find in time that their original practice feels a little worn or limiting and move to a different practice.

It is those who stick with a practice that is obviously not working for them, that often declare they are ‘no good at this’ or ‘it’s too hard’ or ‘it just doesn’t work’.

It is VITAL to find a meditation practice that speaks to you and


1 comment:

  1. Meditationcan help to calm the mind, relieving to build energy that our body needs.



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