Quiet Mind Meditation

This is a quiet space .. designed to inspire, nurture and support your meditation practice so that you might find your own quiet mind

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Sunday Pause

Welcome to the Sunday Pause .. join me as I wander through some of the inspiring, creative and simply funny stuff that I saw online this week!

Firstly, the music that has started my morning each week .. definitely one to get you moving and energized ...


My daughter (teenager) simply loved this video by Dove .. so did I but I heard later that it received a lot of push-back, see what you think! 

And have you ever heard about the Svalbard Global Seed Vault?.. you have got to check this out (deep inside a mountain on a freezing remote Norwegian island halfway between mainland Norway and the North Pole)

I love seeing the flow of mindfulness into big business, and this article from Business Insider shows just how easy it is to work meditation into your day

While inside my Instagram world .. I have a little bit of a crush on Yoga Girl who is Rachel Brathen a Swedish yogi who travels the world spreading yoga-love and who lives is this exotic location (now on my bucket travel list)

So have you signed up for our team for Mindful in May yet?  This is a great way to get 'into' mindfulness with a daily email of instructions AND money raised goes to building fresh water wells in developing countries .. 

Ever wondered which side of your brain is most dominant .. take the test for a bit of fun .. Left Brain is about rules, strategy and logic - Right Brain is creativity, intuition and curiosity

.. and on all things creative, I am absolutely loving Canva which allows me to look like I have a graphic designer on the team (which is soooo not the truth .. its just me!)

And finally for this weekend (given it is the Easter long weekend) I am truly relaxing with my two favourite local Bali magazines .. Kula and BaliandBeyond

Wishing you a magnificent and relaxing weekend .. 

and please tell me your favourite weekend website in the comments below so I can share the love next week..

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