Quiet Mind Meditation

This is a quiet space .. designed to inspire, nurture and support your meditation practice so that you might find your own quiet mind

Sunday 16 September 2012

Exam Ease (Meditation) Classes

Almost exam time .. and so we thought it the best time to introduce our Exam Ease class.

Meditation is an ancient practice that has been shown to provide a whole host of physical and mental health benefits, not just the ability to self manage stress but also to heightened creativity, improve sleep, develop greater levels of focus and concentration .. and a greater awareness of how we choose to react or act in life.

For students about to embark on exams, learning some simple meditative exercises and tools for relaxation, will not only support a greater sense of wellbeing and ease, but assist with improved focus and learning, and understanding of how we might better manage feelings so they don't become overwhelming.

Being able to identify and reduce everyday stress, manage our responses and tap into that inner calmness before a presentation, exam or life challenge, is a life tool we all need!

This 1.5hour class will explore a number of Meditative Exercises which are short, simple and practical mindfulness practices focused on the breath and the body.  While these exercises may only take a few minutes (up to 20minutes) they provide us with an opportunity to pause, adjust our breathing to a more efficient and productive breath, release stress and tension, and refresh mind and body.  These exercises often provide an immediate sense of relief and ease .. a much better foundation for handling life or an exam.

Classes are being held at our Brighton and Black Rock venues with each class limited to ten participants. 

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