Quiet Mind Meditation

This is a quiet space .. designed to inspire, nurture and support your meditation practice so that you might find your own quiet mind

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Listening to ...

What a wonderful week .. a banquet of infinite delights (quoting Kevin Hume who MC'd at Saturday's Australian Meditation Conference) .. somehow this past week I have found myself in something of a slipstream of new thought and creativity. I am awash with new books, blogs, research and discussions .. lots to nourish and digest. And now I sense a greater understanding of the global trend of 'cultural creatives' which Kevin also introduced (more on that soon .. lots of reading still to be done).

Another great gift of this week has been new music .. thank you New World Music Australia and Australian Yoga Journal (Aug/Sept 2010 edition) .. a free CD 'Sounds of Samadhi' which I have had playing on repeat pretty much all week. Some old favourites and some new. I played the CD before a meditation class last night and had a number of inquiries. Maneesh de Moor is a fav. (you can hear one of his tracks on this blog) .. and the track 'Garuda' by Pravana who I believe is an Aussie as well! Highly recommended if you enjoy ambient world music .. little voice, lots of tones and evocative soundscapes.

The conference had a great range of speakers this year .. and many Australian's on the bill. It is wonderful to have the opportunity to listen, share and discuss what we are passionate about - and have our minds stretched and challenged too! I have a journal book filled with notes, quotes and ideas to research ..

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