New research from Carnegie Mellon University provides a
window into the brain changes that link mindfulness meditation training with
health in stressed adults. Published in Biological Psychiatry, the study shows
that mindfulness meditation training, compared to relaxation training, reduces
Interleukin-6, an inflammatory health biomarker, in high-stress, unemployed
community adults.
The randomized controlled trial involved 35
stressed-adult-job-seekers; one group were exposed to an intensive three-day
mindfulness meditation retreat program, the second group to a well-matched relaxation
retreat program which did not have a mindfulness component.
Participants completed a five-minute resting state brain
scan before and after the three-day program; and provided blood samples before
the program and at a follow up four-months later.
The brain scans showed:
* mindfulness
meditation training increased the functional connectivity of the participants'
resting default mode network in areas important to attention and executive
control (namely the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) and had reduced IL-6 levels
(inflammation levels)
* Participants
who attended the relaxation training did not show these brain changes.
"We think that these brain changes provide a
neurobiological marker for improved executive control and stress resilience,
such that mindfulness meditation training improves your brain's ability to help
you manage stress, and these changes improve a broad range of stress-related
health outcomes, such as your inflammatory health," David Creswell, lead
author and associate professor of psychology in the Dietrich College of
Humanities and Social Sciences.
Researchers, from the Duke Cancer Institute in Durham, NC,
publish their findings in the Journal of the American College of Radiology.
A study of 121 women who needed breast biopsies where
placed into three groups: guided meditation, music and a standard-care control
During the biopsy, the women in the meditation group
listened to an "audio-recorded, guided, loving-kindness meditation,"
which focused on acquiring positive emotions and releasing negative ones.
The women in the music group listened to relaxing music (a
choice of instrumental jazz, classical piano, harp and flute, nature sounds or
world music) and the control group received supportive words from the biopsy
Patients filled out questionnaires that measured nervousness
and anxiety, and ranked their biopsy pain from 0-10.
'Results showed that the women in the meditation and music
groups reported much greater post-biopsy reductions in anxiety and fatigue,
compared with the control group, which reported increased fatigue. Furthermore, the women in the meditation
group experienced significantly lower pain during the biopsy, compared with the
women in the music group'.
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