Quiet Mind Meditation

This is a quiet space .. designed to inspire, nurture and support your meditation practice so that you might find your own quiet mind

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Some favourite meditation books

I am often asked about my favourite meditation books .. those that have moved or inspired my practice.  

Fact is, I have a collection accumulated over 30+ years!  A mass of meditation books .. two bookcases that are FULL of books .. from traditional Buddhist texts, to modern day teachers, to fictional books on meditation journeys to retreat and research based texts.

Favourites continually change of course .. depending on where you are on your meditation journey, but each time I return and pick up an old favourite .. a new learnings is always waiting for me.

Today there was a lovely discussion on one of my FB groups about inspiring mindfulness books.  I loved reading what other people found wonderful, and I shared two of my 'favourites' .. which reminded me of a list I had started last year but never went back to (no excuse .. just didn't) .. and I note that I still have this hideously long Amazon Wish List that maybe I will gift myself this Christmas.  So I am going to try and review one book per week and eventually I hope to be through my over loaded bookcase!


My Favourite Reading List starts with:

How to Train a Wild Elephant by Jan Chosen Bays

Soul-Centered: Transform Your Life in 8 Weeks with Meditation by Sarah McLean

Search Inside Yourself: The Unexpected Path to Achieving Success, Happiness (and World Peace) by Chade Men Tan

Admission: I recently became an Amazon Affiliate which means that if you read my book posts (listed above) there will be an Amazon Link provided, and if you click on that link then I receive a small credit to go towards my future book purchases.  It costs absolutely nothing to you .. it might just help me get my Wish List.

I would love to hear your recommendations

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