Welcome to Sunday and the Sunday Pause .. a wander through some of the inspiring, creative and simply funny stuff that I saw online this week!
Firstly I fell in love all over again with one of my favourite musicians when I found out she has a new album
And I swooned when I saw this beautiful image on my FB feed.. love elephants!
.. and then shortly after a cute reminder of the changing season .. but so cute
I painted my daughters room this colour, now we want all the homewares to match
And if stress "makes your heart pound, your breathing quicken and your forehead sweat .. new research suggests that stress may only be bad for you if you believe that to be the case. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal urges us to see stress as a positive, and introduces us to an unsung mechanism for stress reduction: reaching out to others" watch this TED talk
I don't buy many magazines (I get bored too quickly) .. in fact I only buy two .. one is totally wild, creative and inspiring and I love them so much I also follow on Instagram
.. the other magazine is inspiring in a completely different way and I love their daily tips on Facebook
Also .. starting April 14 is this FREE 5-Day Loving Kindness Meditation Course presented by one of my fellow meditation teachers also doing B-School this year - so I am sharing the l-o-v-e
Do you like a little positive inspiration during the day .. some gentle 'I wish I was there' or 'lets take a moment to breathe' then join us at the Instagram party .. its fun and I am becoming a little infatuated ..
And if it's time you learnt to meditate we have our online E-Course starting 1st April and our six week Exploring Meditation course starting 23rd April (Black Rock)
I wish you a magnificent and relaxing weekend ..
and please tell me your favourite weekend website in the comments below so I can share the love next week..
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