Quiet Mind Meditation

This is a quiet space .. designed to inspire, nurture and support your meditation practice so that you might find your own quiet mind

Friday, 31 January 2014

Yoga Teacher Mentoring Program

I was so delighted to be asked to present a Meditation Facilitator course as part of the 2014 Ihana Yoga Teacher Mentoring Program.  

"A mentoring program is ideal for ongoing professional development and for gaining invaluable insight beyond your own training and experience. It offers a supportive environment, guidance from a mentor as well as the opportunity to nurture connections to an awesome community of like-minded yogis" ~ Jenni, Ihana Yoga

This is such a unique and exciting opportunity .. not only for yoga teachers but for anyone interested in developing their knowledge, skill and personal understanding of meditation.  There will be six meditation modules running from May to July 2014 .. each held on a Sunday from 12.30-5.30pm.


Sunday 2 February at 12.30pm

at Ihana Yoga, Hampton Street Hampton

or you can request an Information Pack from info@ihanayoga.com.au

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Infographic : Benefits of a Regular Meditation Practice

This image came to me this morning while I was meditating.

Expanded creativity and intuitive thought are just two of the wonderful benefits of a regular meditation practice .. although we aim to not 'entertain' these thoughts while actually meditating.

Never fear however.  When you have been meditating for a while you learn to trust that insightful thoughts .. creative visions .. knowings .. are going to be there for you when you have finished your meditation practice.  

I saw this image in my mind earlier today .. and tonight I played around with it .. and voila my first 'infographic' which I hope you enjoy.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Voted 'The Most Relaxing Tune Ever Recorded'

I recently wrote about some meditation classes coming up (in March) focused on the theme of using the senses in meditation (and relaxation).

And this week I read about a recent study which found that this eight minute song helps to slow the heart rate, reduce blood pressure and lower levels of the stress. 

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Open Your Mind!

This one picture followed me recently .. first on Instagram, then Pinterest .. and then on my Facebook feed.

Now that's a bit freaky!

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Using the Senses to slow down

Our Sunday Meditation Series is starting again in March at the beautiful Ihana Yoga (Hampton Street, Hampton).

We like to suggest a 'theme' for our meditation class and this month the theme is 'Slowing Down'.

Meditation is an ancient practice in which we naturally shift from ‘thinking’ mind to ‘sensing’ mind. When we feel the wind in our hair, indulge in our favourite chocolate or smell the wild ocean .. we shift from a thinking mindset to a sensing one. When we are totally absorbed in the moment, captured by our senses, this is often described as being “in the zone” and in this space time seems to expand and slow down. 

By focusing on a sense (touch, sight, sound, smell, taste) we gently shift internally to a place of calmness and ease. 

Each Sunday we shall practice a different meditation technique, so that you can find the one that best suits you .. exploring the senses in order to slow down.

Interested in using the senses as an anchor in meditation?

I have posted before about focusing on the senses as our achor in meditation here:

Touch in a Grounding Meditation

Taste in a Mindfulness of Eating Meditation

Hearing in a Listening Meditation

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Day 21 of the E-Course

"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy"
~Thich Nhat Hanh

The participants of our Quiet Mind Meditation E-Course (which started on the 1st January) are current exploring Mindfulness  practices .. it is Day 21 of our 31 Day course. 

Mindfulness is an ancient practice that simply requires us to attend non-judgementally to the NOW .. rather than bouncing around between past, future and fantasy. 

Mindfulness = being mindful of the present moment 

The magic of mindfulness is that when we truly rest our focus on the present moment .. everything seems to slow down and we begin to 'see' what is actually happening around and within us. By deliberately bringing our full attention to what we are doing right in this moment (removing auto pilot).. with no judgement, preference or commentary .. we experience a greater sense of awareness of self, body and mind. 

One of the most popular meditation practices that I introduce in class (and on the E-Course) is the Half-Smile Meditation .. a practice that is used to maintain mindfulness.

Smiling is proven to have a positive effect on us.  Research on facial expressions and emotions found that if you make the facial expression of a particular emotion – you actually will feel that emotion. A half-smile (even holding a pencil between the teeth to force the edges of your mouth to curl up) has been shown to help stimulate positive emotions.  So you can purposefully attract peacefulness just be holding a half-smile .. even when you don’t truly feel like smiling!

Holding a gentle half-smile while you meditate can provide something more concrete to hold our focus.  Just rest your lips into a slightly upturned posture .. keeping a relaxed face .. adopting a serene facial expression. And when you get distracted by a thought, memory or dream (as you will) just notice that you have been distracted, notice if you have dropped your half-smile, and when you are ready simply return to the next inhalation and reconnect with your half-smile.

Remember your body communicates with your mind.

The morning half-smile
Try placing a small sign at the end of your bed or on your bedside table so that the word "smile" appears first thing when you open your eyes in the morning. This sign will serve as a reminder and you can then use the moments before getting up to focus on the breath .. inhale .. exhale for three breaths gently while maintaining a half-smile.

The half-smile when irritated
When you find yourself starting to react to something or someone try the half smile immediately. Inhale and exhale quietly for three breaths .. maintaining that beautiful half-smile both externally and internally.

*Our NEXT E-COURSE is happening 1st March 2014 .. and we have an Early Bird Special for registrations before 10th February .. you can sign up HERE*

Monday, 20 January 2014

Mmmmm Bee Breath Meditative Exercise

This is an extract from today's Monday Meditation Musing .. our free e-news each Monday morning straight to your inbox. Bringing a meditative thought to your week. If you would like to join the 'tribe' you can sign up through the link below.


Based on a yoga pranayama (breathwork) practice known as Brahmari (Sanskrit word for 'bee') this Meditative Exercise encourages a deep 'letting go' of the breath, the jaw (because we often clench) and voice (because we often hold our voice). 

This exercise is soothing both for the natural lengthening of the exhalation, and also the vibration of the hum which helps ease a racing mind and loosen the throat. As a variation you can also use your thumbs to block your ears to intensify the sound and help draw your attention inward. 

* Start with just observing your natural breath .. noticing how you are breathing in this moment .. strong, patchy, long or short, deep or shallow? Just notice 
* Then, keeping your lips lightly sealed, inhale through the nostrils and as you exhale, sound the letter Mmmmmmm (the buzzing sound) 
* Sustain the Mmmmmm as long as comfortable or until you have exhaled completely (right through to the very end of the breath before your body asks you to inhale again) 
* Repeat. 
* Inhaling through the nose and humming as a bee as you exhale. Try not to force or control the breath as this will only cause stress; just slow and steady. 
* Continue for as long as you need to (for several minutes if comfortable) as the longer you sustain the humming exhalation the more relaxing the practice.  
Bee Breath can be used to encourage relaxation as part of your regular daily practice, or as a remedy in the 'heat of the moment'. The longer you continue the exercise the more relaxing the practice is likely to be, but do not force your breath as this will have the reverse effect and cause undue stress. Inhale when you need to and allow a rhythm to naturally unfold - never forcing the breath. 

And when you have finished the exercise spend a few moments just sitting quietly and noticing how your breath and mind 'feel' before returning to your day. 

* The Bee Breath practice is just one exercise from our "Meditative Exercises : Simple and Effective Exercises for Everyday Life" E-Book which is available on our STORE page ($9.95) 

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

About: Quiet Mind Meditation

(This is Part 2 of my journey with meditation .. Part 1 is here)

On Retreat  

After taking a deeply inspiring meditation and yoga retreat in Bali, I came home with the conviction that I wanted to share my passion for meditation with others. 

So I eagerly jumped into a personal mission to find out how to best do that .. besides some workplace training, I had little actual experience in 'teaching'.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

About: Sarah Fletcher


Hello .. I'm Sarah Fletcher and the owner of Quiet Mind Meditation.

I am a meditation teacher, mentor, writer and speaker .. I am passionate about sharing meditation .. 

because I believe meditation is a life skill!

I have always meditated .. at least since I was a teenager .. through the winding journey of my life, the teenager angst, my twenties of partying, the long and challenging corporate career years; through relationships, marriage, divorce, retrenchment (twice), international travels and starting a family .. my meditation practice has always been there for me.

I began sharing my passion for meditation in response to being constantly asked what was my 'secret'.  After spending 20 years in the corporate world, in a very competitive and demanding environment with lots of daily drama, deadlines and demanding clients .. I realised that my meditation practice was my 'secret' to maintaining balance and calmness in my life, and people kept asking me 'how do you manage to remain so calm in the middle of all this?'

I am in awe of the positive change meditation can bring

In 2009 I started Quiet Mind Meditation .. to share this ancient practice.  I now provide group and corporate onsite meditation instruction, private mentoring, write for my blog and other publications, and speak at conferences and workshops.  

I know without a shadow of a doubt that a regular meditation practice .. taking just a few minutes (or moments) each day to pause, dropping into the stillness within and letting go of all the busy-ness and grasping and worrying ..

is life changing and intoxicating

How it all began..

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Exploring Meditation 2014

For those new to meditation or those seeking to reconnect with their practice. 

The Exploring Meditation course runs over a period of six weeks so we have
time to explore a range of different meditation techniques so that you have an opportunity to find the best practice for YOU!  Class notes and OM-work provided each week. 

The Exploring Meditation course is $175.

We believe that meditation is a life skill! 
Our Exploring Meditation course runs for six weeks and is designed to provide a straightforward, practical and non-religious approach to meditation. 

Meeting weekly gives us a chance to get ‘into the flow’ of meditation, and gain some insight into the benefits found in a regular meditation practice. 

What do we do? 
The program looks something like this (and may vary a little depending on the group and individual interests):

*Week 1: core meditation principles, the ‘how’ and ‘why’, stress and how to circuit-break the habit and an introduction to Mindfulness of Body practices.

*Week 2: the impact of stress, introduction to short Meditative Exercises and longer techniques (both invaluable), introduction to Mindfulness of Breath. 

*Week 3: the brain, the process of meditation, Mantra and Affirmation practices, obstacles and antidotes, measuring your progress.

*Week 4: Silent practices, time for our personal practice and a review of common challenges, a look at the Meditation Map and time for Q&A.

*Week 5: Mindfulness meditation, how to include mindfulness practices in daily life.  A look at mindfulness of eating, listening and movement practices.

*Week 6: Resources for ongoing nourishment of your practice (what's next?), building a longer meditation practice from meditative exercises, and the art of 'non-doing'

Our aim? 
We aim to provide you with all that your need to meditate. Anytime. Anywhere. 

Each weekly class is designed to build on your understanding of meditation, and provide time and focus for group meditation practice. There is a period of instruction, discussion and PRACTICE. 

We also provide a weekly handouts so that you can build a meditation workbook, a resource that you can continue to dip into as your practice develops; and share insights, tips and tools that we hope might support your ongoing interest and engagement with your own personal meditation practice.

Class Structure 
We limit our classes to ten participants which allows for a nice mix of 'group' and personal attention. Our venues are chosen for comfort, ambiance and ease of access and our classes are conducted sitting in a chair or using a cushion on the floor - we often have the ability to provide both options for you to try over the duration of the course. 

If you have a mat/meditation cushion or stool then we would encourage you to bring that along; perhaps also a bottle of water and dress comfortably (and warmly as the body cools when deeply relaxed). 

Got a question? 
We are right here.

Email (sarah@quietmind.com.au) if you have any questions. 

You might also have a look around our website where you can find a wealth of information and resources. 

JUMP IN .. meditation is a LIFE TOOL and we believe that everyone can learn to meditate. 

We look forward to meeting you.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

My Best Me .. for 2014!

Over the break I received a lovely invitation to join the My Best Me community .. a great new mobile directory for healthy living options.

 .. and of course, meditation is the ultimate wellness tool!

My Best Me provides a listing of wellness options to give you access to all of the things that improve life. 

Current listings are:

Fuel & Energise (Juice Bars, Raw/Veg/Vegan, Health Stores, Farmers Markets)

Heal & Rejuvenate (this is where you will find Quiet Mind along with Natural Therapies, Natural Medicine and Life Coaches)
Move & Strengthen (Yoga studios, gyms, personal trainers and pilates)
Wellbeing Products (Organic, Chemical Free, Supplies and Goodies)

Reading about the three sisters and their journey towards family wellness (and being myself one of three sisters) really resonated with me and while I relaxed at the beach the girls whipped up a gorgeous page for me HERE

If you are keen to leap into 2014 (with a regular meditation practice, new exercise option or wellbeing program) to better support your mental and physical wellbeing .. then check out the listings on My Best Me.

Friday, 3 January 2014

Ihana Yoga Teacher Mentoring Program

Exciting news for 2014!

Last year I started meditation instruction at the beautiful Ihana Yoga (Hampton Street, Hampton) and this year I am honored to be participating in the Ihana Yoga Teacher Mentoring Program

This is a unique opportunity for professional and personal development.  The meditation modules aim to develop your understanding of meditation, deepening your personal meditation practice and support your ability to successfully conduct a meditation class. 

"Ihana Yoga teachers are passionate about continuous yoga study, and since the type of training we wanted to attend doesn't exist yet, we decided to create it. We found the best mentors with decades of experience, and now want to share our 'Yoga Teacher Mentoring Program 2014' with all yoga teachers in Melbourne. The scope of study exceeds existing registered YTTs".

More details shall be shared soon or you can register your interest via email.

(I cannot wait to get started)

Thursday, 2 January 2014


this is my special place
this is the place I yearn for when times get challenging
this is where I 'exhale'

*Our Quiet Mind Meditation E-Course has just started (1st January 2014) BUT you can still JOIN US by signing up on our E-Course Page*

Isn't it time you learnt to meditate?

Meditation in the Summer media

It takes me a few days .. but there comes a time when I am on holiday that finally both mind and the body have slowed enough to enjoy reading a few magazines on the beach.

Today I dropped past the local Op. Shop to see what other 'holiday makers' had finished reading on their holiday, and walked away with three current edition magazines for $1.50.  Can't beat that!

In Good Health magazine I read about TV presenter Jessica Rowe's experiences with depression and how mindfulness keeps her sane:

"My therapist has also introduced me to mindfulness, which I'm still learning.  It's fabulous - it's not airy-fairy, it's a very straightforward thing to help calm yourself down.  I found it very useful to realise that you can change your mind and you can change the way you think about things".

"Mindfulness is something you can incorporate in your everyday life by breathing or just stopping for a few moments.  It's doable if I'm at home I just sit down and close my eyes and focus on my breathing for 20 seconds and calm myself down like that.  Or if I'm walking around I will look at a beautiful tree and notice how green it is.  It's those sorts of simple things that help bring you back to the present."

And in the Cleo magazine article "21 ways to be happier RIGHT NOW" .. the first tip is:

Find your inner peace.  Meditation has been found to lower blood pressure and reduce stress, and stacks of research from Harvard University shows that people who meditate regularly are happier than those who don't.  One suggestion from Siimon Reynolds is to choose a simple word, such as calm, love or peace, and repeat that word to yourself - either aloud or in your head - for 10 to 20 minutes.  Thoughts popping into your head?  Don't engage them - just disregard and return to your repetition.

I love how the ancient practice of meditation is hitting the mainstream media now .. and I hope you also find some inspiration in these simple tips. 

If you would like to learn more about meditation (and start your own regular meditation practice) we have classes starting in February and our online Meditation E-Course has just started (you can join at any time).  More details on our Class or E-Course page.  Or email me if you have any questions sarah@quietmind.com.au

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Its 2014!

Meditation Bundle for B-School


* Find The Stillness guided meditation CD
* Meditative Exercises E-Book
* and Meditation Door Hang (see in our shop)

ALL TOGETHER (usually $33.95) for only $10.

Meditation Bundle CLICK HERE
*You can order via PayPal through this link for one Meditation Bundle .. but if you would like more please email sarah@quietmind.com.au

Why I am offering a Meditation Bundle?
I have been sharing my passion for meditation because I believe it is a life skill .. and all the website work, the writing and E-Books, the graphic design, the recording and the classes .. all me!

And now I need some professional mentoring, some education and inspiration from those who have developed successful online businesses .. so that I can make this site more accessible, more easily navigated, with more options, free stuff and creative ways of sharing!

This week the most amazing Marie Forleo has opened her B-School for 2014 - and I really (really) want to be a part of it!

I want to learn as much as I can about running a successful and engaging online business so that I can create and bring to life the tools and resources that will introduce meditation to those who might never get exposed to meditation.

You might have read how I first experienced meditation as a school student .. hell that was a long time ago .. and I have been meditating for more than 20 years and that I believe a regular meditation practice not only benefits the individual .. but their family, work colleagues, community .. and maybe the world!

B-School is a considerable financial investment .. BUT this year I am committed to making the dream come true.

How you can help:
  • Buy the Meditation Bundle and get into your meditation with a warm happy feeling that you are helping others learn about meditation in the future
  • Buy two. Or three. Or a dozen (email me for any more than three).  Give them as gifts to family, or work colleagues (you know they probably need it)
  • Give them away on your website or blog.
The Meditation Bundle will finish Tuesday 4th March.

If you have a meditation practice (and know yourself the benefits found in a regular meditation practice) or have gained some insight or support from Quiet Mind Meditation then imagine if we can share this .. with the world!

Meditation Bundle

Thank you.

Disclaimer & Terms of Use

A short note on what I hope is really just a nod to good manners and fairness. 

Personal Opinions Only 
Quiet Mind Meditation is published by Sarah Fletcher as a personal weblog. Opinions expressed are either my very own or those of quoted sources or guest authors.  This information on this site is meant to be educational and provided for informational purposes only.  It is no way constitutes medical or psychological advice.  We advise you to seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions regarding physical, emotional, or mental health conditions.

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The information on this site may not reflect the most current developments in meditation and wellness, and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up to date.

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